Saturday, 2 February 2008

IC-E92 Handheld + lots of users!

Well the ICOM E92 Handheld is now available at a very reasonable price.
The radio is better than the E91 with a improved battery life, a decent belt clip,
and lots of nice features, as well as waterproof.

We have quite a few users now on GB7FK, a few new ones too, welcome everyone!



Anonymous said...

I hope to be in the area this weekend Sat/Sun (staying in Hythe) armed with an IC-E92 handheld, looking forward to being able to have a few chats through GB7FK.

Chris G4HCL

Matt Curtis said...

I hope so Chris!
there are many hills between Hythe and where the repeater is, but hopefully if you are on the seafront side of Hythe, you will be able to get in. ill listen out this weekend for you on GB7FK. 73s

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt and all, I'll be staying near Hythe (well a bit further along in Littlestone now, was originally Hythe but my partner decided otherwise!) However I've printed out the coverage map and will make sure I'm in a position to get into FK sometime Sat PM hopefully in a nice beer garden somewhere, and again Sunday late morning/lunchtime. I'll try the IC/FK gateway on Sat PM before the gateway maintenence downtime starting 18.00 Sat. If any FK users would like to meet up for a Sun lunchtime pub drink on me & maybe a light bite to eat they're most welcome, as I'd would love to get some advice on D-Star operation. Chris G4HCL

Matt Curtis said...

Hi Chris, nice to have had a chat with you when you came down this way. next time you are coming down let us know, maybe a few of us could join you at the lighthouse for a beer!