Saturday, 27 December 2008

Kent-Net - DSTAR Weekly Net

Hi all,

Thanks to all those that joined the Boxing Day net this evening. It was a real success. Thanks also to Declan for being net controller, it worked very well.We plan to follow the same format on a regular basis.

The net will be every Tuesday evening at 8pm.

The repeaters will be connected to Reflector 13a from 8pm.
A reminder to all users to ensure they have there RPT2 set to GB7XX G if not you will not be heard by everyone on the net.

GB7FK users ensure you are using the memory labled GB7FK CG
GB7DX users ensure you are using the memory labled GB7DX BG

Hope to hear you on the Tuesday evening "Kent-Net"

73 Matt M1CMN
Declan M0TMX

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Welcome to all new users..

Well there have been many new users recently, welcome to some of the new users -

Peter G0NQZ in Eastbourne who can access GB7FK on ports B and C

Paul M0LRE who has been on DSTAR for a while but can now get into GB7FK C from Eastbourne

Barry G7MSC from Ripple near Deal in Kent

Paul 2E0AYY who has borrowed a radio, and Don 2E0DJF who has recently purchased a E92.

Welcome to everyone, hope you have fun!
73 Matt

Boxing Day DSTAR Net for Kent

Hi all,
We have arranged for a Local DSTAR Net on Boxing Day for all those that would like to join in.
The net will be at 8pm on Boxing Day night on reflector 5C
We will link GB7DX B, GB7FK C, and GB7IC B to the reflector.

Declan M0TMX will be net controller and will call out at 8pm and ask for call ins
To prevent doubling with each other, and to make sure everyone can have an opportunity to participate in the Net we are proposing to have a controlled net, where everyone gets an over and then hands back to Net Control, Net Control will then pass it onto the next station in the list.

In addition we thought that a good way to check into the net would be to do what they do in the US, as Net Control calls for Checkins, any stations wishing to take part can just key up for a second to send their callsign and Net Control can register it and call stations in one at a time.
Look forward to catching you on Boxing Day
Matt M1CMN Declan M0TMX

Friday, 19 December 2008


Hi all,

GB7FK port C is now active. its on 145.7875

Reports so far are excellent, and coverage is far better than expected.

Merry Christmas

73 Matt

Thursday, 18 December 2008

GB7FK Port B and C in the Rack!

Pictured to the left is GB7FK. Cabinet is now installed with Ports B and C. at the top you can see the cavity filters for the 2m port.
The band pass and duplexer are installed inside the cabinet.

The repeater now has a Battery backup system which will power the modules and keep things running in a power cut. (Thanks to Declan M0TMX for helping me with this) The UPS powers the gateway server and router for around 90mins during a power cut.

The system is setup for single antenna working.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Freq change on 70cms

Hi all,

Its been a while since i have posted here, mainly because things have been working well.

GB7FK is to change its 70cms Port B Freq today.

439.7375 (output)
430.7375 (Input)

This is with request of the primary user of the band.

If you need your radio re-programmed then please contact me, I am happy to help.

73 Matt

Thursday, 29 May 2008

2 New users to GB7FK...Welcome!

Welcome to Rob G4FXE from Dover, and Tony M3VYW in Folkestone.

Great to have some more new users.

Listen out for them on GB7FK B

73 Matt

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

UK Reflector

Hi all,
Well its a been a while since i posted any information here.

The UK Reflector is now operational. Declan, M0TMX and Darren G7LWT have been busy updating the dplus Reflector User Guide; version 1.1 can be downloaded here:

We are still raising funds for the GB7FK 2m Port.
73 Matt

Sunday, 13 April 2008

GB7FK and GB7DX Last Heard List

Who was least Heard on GB7FK and GB7DX??

This list will show local activity in both repeaters + Gateway activity

Click here to view the last heard list.

Thanks to Ben M0TUX for his continued hard work

73 Matt

Thursday, 3 April 2008

70cms Port on GB7FK + Welcome to GB7DX

Excellent reports with the 70cms coverage, everyone that uses the repeater regular can get into the repeater with 5w, excellent stuff. its definatally working the best it has ever done.

thanks to everyone that has given reports.

Welcome to GB7DX in Ashford, now on the air and working well. Declan M0TMX is running the repeater, which appears to have very good coverage.

73 Matt

G2 Gateway Software Change

Change to the Gateway software at GB7FK and GB7IC
Over the last few weeks considerable work has been carried out on the installation and testing of the G2 D-Star gateway software in the UK.

As part of that implementation we would like to move both GB7FK and GB7IC into the testing environment. Our intention is to replace the current gateway software on Thursday evening with the G2 version. Once installed we will connect both gateways to the UK test network that currently consists of the following:-

Once IC and FK have moved it will be possible to call through any of the repeaters above. It is important to note that while they are in the new net it will not be possible to call any of the stations that are listed on the "" website, as those will be in the old K5TIT network.
K5TIT are also doing the same testing and have a small network of gateways proving the software.
Once the proving stage is over it is our intention to join the K5TIT net and then all of their network will be available once again.
It is important to point out that from time to time the network may not be available as part of the proving may involve removing the trust server from service. We also need to prove the process of switching to a backup trust server while there are just a few gateways connected. Whenever possible we will post a message on the Yahoo forum. Should the trust server be down for a long period we will inform you by email.
We would ask you to make as many contacts as possible to help us prove the resilience of the system.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Freq Change and Antenna Sorted!

Hi all,

well GB7FK is now using a V2000 antenna on the mast, and is performing well.
Thanks to Declan M0TMX and Brian G3OJZ for all the help and support with the antenna work.

73s Matt

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Frequencys changed

Hi all,

Thanks to Don for his help tonight. we are now on the new Frequencys on 70cms.
We did a few tests tonight, and its miles better! no qrm, or any breakthru detected.

Just got to sort the antenna at the weekend weather permitting.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

New Frequencys arrived

Hi all,

I now have the new NOV for the Frequency change.
repeater input - 430.600
repeater output - 439.600

I have listened on the channels and they are QRM free as far as i can see!

The change will hopefully take place in the next week.

73 Matt

Sunday, 2 March 2008

2m Port applied for

Hi all,

I have applied for a 2m port on the repeater here, the coverage on 2m looks amazing!
the application is now on the vetting site.

73s Matt

Monday, 18 February 2008

New Antenna for GB7FK

Hi all,

The new antenna for GB7FK has been ordered. I have ordered a Diamond
X-510N. As soon as i get the antenna i shall install it on the tower and use is on GB7FK 70cms port.
We have found the coverage to be fairly good on the X50, it will be interesting to see what difference this will make.

73 Matt

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Yahoo Group for Kent

Hi everyone,

It appears a few people have had problems locating the Dstar Kent Yahoo group.

Please feel free to join the group to exchange ideas and information.
There are also memory files available for the 2820 / E92

73 Matt

Saturday, 2 February 2008

IC-E92 Handheld + lots of users!

Well the ICOM E92 Handheld is now available at a very reasonable price.
The radio is better than the E91 with a improved battery life, a decent belt clip,
and lots of nice features, as well as waterproof.

We have quite a few users now on GB7FK, a few new ones too, welcome everyone!


Sunday, 27 January 2008

Users and Improvements

Hi all,

well we are seeing more use on GB7FK which is great news. I would like to see more users from GB7IC coming through the gateway to GB3FK, and the other way around too. this will create more activity, and at the end of the day, thats what the system is there for.

No more news on the freqeuency change, but i dont think it will be long now.

soon as the frequency change happens, we shall fit the new pre-amp on the repeater, and also look at possibly changing the antenna as well to see if that will help improve things.

We are also looking into the future and doing more tests with high speed data on 1.2gig.

more soon!
73 Matt

Monday, 7 January 2008

Many users worldwide on DSTAR

Looking at the Dstar Users website I notice that there are 412 unique callsigns in a 24 hour period, thats alot of users!

I have noticed in the last few weeks a big increase in repeaters across the world. Its great to see DSTAR move forward and getting very popular.